Maldives vs Lakshadweep Controversy |
Who is Wrong? | Dhruv Rathee

Hello, friends!On 4th January,
2024,on his social media handles, Prime Minister Modiposted some pictures from
Lakshadweep.Although there was no mention of Maldives in these pictures,some
politicians in the Maldivian governmentreacted to these pictures in a waythat
led to years of friendship between the two countriesbeing in danger today.In a
few days, the situation becomes so serious that#BoycottMaldives started
trending on social media.The 3 ministers of the Maldivian government,who caused
the controversy areMariyam Shiuna,Malsha Shareef andAbdullah Mahzoom Majid.Their
comments on India and the Indian Prime Minister,look to be born out of
insecurity.They believed that PM Modi's agendawas to make Lakshadweep and Maldives
compete.But these comments included some personal attacks tooOn Twitter,
Mariyam called PM Modi, "a puppet of Israel."Her colleagues said that
these photos from Lakshadweepaimed at challenging the tourism industry in the
Maldives.And Mahzoom Majid stereotyped Indiansand made hateful comments against
India.Sharing photos of open urination he said thatit is a part of Indian
culture.These led to an outright conflict on social media.When the Indians
started posting that theyare cancelling their flight and hotel bookings,the
Maldivian government understood the seriousnessand the Maldivian Foreign
Ministry stated thatthe opinions expressed by the ministerswere their personal
opinions anddid not represent the views of the Maldivian government.Later, the
government suspended these 3 ministers.But the point isn't about Maldives
versus Lakshadweep only.Not just about this social media war.The whole
controversy was driven by hateful politics.A geopolitical agenda which led to
all of this.Let's understand it in today's video.One thing you all would know
is thatMaldives is a small country.The total population of this country is only
around 500,000 people.This country is made up of numerous islands.In fact,
there are more than 1,000 islands.But out of these 1,000 islands,only about 200
are inhabited.Where humans live.And out of these 200,more than 150 islands are
resort islands.They have been sold to private companies.And those companies
have their private resorts on it.Obviously, the country depends heavily on
tourism.28% of Maldives' GDP depends on tourism.And 90% of the tax revenue for
the government,comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes.And an
interesting fact is thatIndia is the number one countrybased on the number of
tourists visiting Maldives.In 2023, more than 200,000 Indian tourists went to
Maldives.In total, approx 1.75 million tourists went to Maldives this year.So
you can imagine a country with a population of 500,000,hosting more than 1.7
million tourists in a year.But the relationship between India and Maldivesis
much deeper than that of tourism.For years, India and Maldives have been
strategic alliesand there has been military cooperation between the two too.India
has played a special role in initiatives like SAGAR.SAGAR stands forSecurity
and Growth for All in the Region.Around 2008, India launched its Neighbourhood
First Policy,and improved relations with Sri Lanka, Maldives,Nepal, Afghanistan,
Bangladesh,Pakistan, and Myanmar.About 77 Indian military officers and soldiersare
present on the Maldives islandsadditionally, two Dhruv Advanced Light
Helicopterswere donated by India to the Maldives in 2010 and 2015.There are
many reasons behind this military presence and helicopter donation.Such as
helping during natural calamities,conducting search and rescue operations,airlifting
medical patients between islands.But apart from this, India's warships patrol
theexclusive economic zone of the Maldives too.This is the sea area surrounding
Maldiveswhere illegal activity is prevented.Basically, to prevent terrorism.Maldives
had requested India to do this.In 2009, when the Maldivian governmentwere
concerned about potential terrorist attacks in their country,they had asked
India for helpbecause they did not have the capabilities in terms of military
assets and surveillance.But this help and India's military presencehas become a
major issue of controversy in Maldives' internal politics for the last few
years.Some political parties in Maldives completely oppose thisand want India
to withdraw its military.In fact, Maldives' current President, Mohamed Muizzuand
his political party, People's National Congress,used this issue during their
election campaignand came to power.The issue of "India Out."To
understand this better,we have to take a look at Maldives' internal politics.The
thing is, the country was under dictatorship for 30 years.It was only in 2008that
a new constitution was adoptedand a multi-party democracy system was
established in their country.The elections that were conducted in 2008was won
by the Maldivian Democratic Party or MDP in shortand their new President was
Mohamed Nasheed.He was a successful president for the first 4 years of his
term.He spread awareness on climate change issues,pledged to make Maldives
carbon neutraland his foreign policy was India First.During his term, India and
Maldives became close allies.And as I said, in 2009, on his request,India
donated military equipment to Maldives.But in 2012, a political crisis broke
out in Maldives.And the next year, in 2013, when elections took place,a new
party came to power.The Progressive Party of Maldives or PPM.The President was
Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.And with the change in the governing party,the
foreign policy of the country also changed.This new party opposed India.In
2016, their new government stated thatIndia can take back the 2 helicopters
that were gifted to them.After distancing themselves from India,Yameen's
government got closer to China.Chinese companies were given contracts formajor
infrastructure projects in the Maldivian islands.And in the meantime, Maldives
became a part ofChina's Belt and Road Initiative.Under this initiative, China
wants to spend moneyon large infrastructure projectsin different countries
across the worldby building roads, railways, and portsto increase its influence
in Asia, Africa, and Europe.Most of the loan terms of Chinese contractswere
quite unsustainable.Because of this, many countries fall into China's debt
trap.During this time, Maldives borrowed $1.5 Billion from China.Friends, here
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in the description below.Or, you can scan this QR code.Now, let's get back to
the topic.Because of this government,relations between India and Maldives got
weakerand India's strategic position in this area starts weakening.After this,
the next election was in 2018,once again, the governing party changedand so did
the foreign policy of the country.In 2018, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih from MDPbecame
the President.And the first thing he did wasthe Indian helicopters that Yameen
wanted to send back,Solih extended the contract of those Indian helicopters.He
wanted to keep those helicopters in Maldives.Once again, they adopted India
First strategy.Thereafter, India helps the Maldivian government.India provides
billions of dollars to Maldivesso that they could repay the loantaken by the
previous government.Even during the Covid pandemic,India provided vaccines in
Maldives.One thing to note here is thateven when Maldives wasn't a democracy,during
the 30-year dictatorship,India-Maldives relations were still strong.Like in
1995, India builtIndira Gandhi Memorial Hospital in Maldives.It is still the
largest hospital in Maldives.Back to 2020,this new MDP governmentwas extremely
enthusiastic about the India First sentiment.Many bilateral agreements were
signedbetween India and Maldives during this time.India granted $500 million
for maritime connectivity.A Line of Credit of $800 million was given by
Export-Import Bank of India.Due to this India First's proactive approach,an
undercurrent was spreading across the country.The sentiment of India Out.The
politicians in the opposition had anegative outlook towards the alliance
betweenthe Indian government and the Maldivian government.By 2021, many
journalists had written articles about it,numerous posts had been made on
social media,which were openly criticising Indiaand in many ways, degrading
India.Politicians were also giving hateful speechesto end India's presence from
their islands.Seeing all this, the Indian High Commission in Maldiveswrote to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maldivesstating that the articles and social
media postswere attacking Indian dignity.They asked the ministry to do
something about them.This letter was leaked to Maldives' media.On 2nd July
2021, the MDP governmentofficially apologises to India.And expresses concern
thatsome people who are spreading hatred against Indiaon Maldivian media and
social media.Acknowledging it as wrong.Here, a local news publication DRS was
mentionedwith their co-founder Ahmed Azaan.Specifically, pointing out thatthey
are the people spreading Anti-India hate.Regarding India Out slogans, Ahmed
Azaan gave a statementthat the campaign does not mean that they want to expel
the Indians from Maldives.They do want Indians to be safe in their country.And
that the India Out movement means thatthey want to expel the Indian military
from their country.And that the people using the India Out campaignto threaten
the Indiansand to attack Indiansare in the wrong.He called it an issue-based
movement.So the point isif this is an issue-based movement,then what are their
issues?The opposition politicians claim thatthe agreements entered into by the
MDP government with Indiaare very confidentialand their details are not
revealed to the public.The then Vice President of their opposition party, PPM,Mohd
Shareef said thatif the details of the agreementare not presented to the
country,it is a violation of democracy.The government should not hide the
details by citing the excuse of national security.He used the example of the
Harbour projecton the Uthura Thila Falhu Island in Maldives.A joint defence
action plan was signedbetween India and Maldives in February 2021.where India's
job was to develop andmaintain the harbour of this coast guard.Leaked documents
suggest thataccording to this agreement,the Indian military could stay here for
decadesand they would have the exclusive rights to this facility.Many Maldivian
citizens were genuinely upset after hearing this.Even those who were not
supporting the India Out campaign,started supporting the opposition.And because
of this, when the next elections were conducted in 2023,the governing party
changed again,and the PPM party that was the opposition,came back into power.This
time, this PPM partyformed an alliance with PNC party to be in power.And the
latest President of Maldives,Mohamed Muizzu,was the candidate of this
right-wing party, PNC.This happened on 30th September, 2023.This political
party, which focused on the India Out issue during their election campaignis in
power today.It is also worth noting thathad the previous MDP government been
more transparentand had not kept the agreements so confidential,then perhaps
the India Out sentimentwould not have gained so much traction.And perhaps, they
could have remained in power.But now, since this PPM party came into power,they
took this India Out issue even more seriously than last time.Their new
president Mohamed Muizzu,openly stated, four days after winning the electionthat
Indian forces in Maldiveswill have to leave the country.On 17th November 2023,
he became the President officially,and only a week later,on 23rd November,he
met Indian Union Minister Kiren Rijiju.He repeated the same points in the
meetingthat India withdraw its military personnel from Maldives.And it was only
a month and a half laterthat the Muizzu's ministersopenly started insulting PM
Modi and Indiaon public platform.When this happened, the ex-Presidents of
Maldivesand the MDP party,obviously, stood up in favour of India.Mohamed
Nasheed and Ibrahim Mohamed Solihboth condemned this hateful language against
India.Now that you know these, you can understandthat it was never about
Lakshadweep.This was entirely about Maldives' internal politics.This India Out
sentimentis a way for some Maldivian politiciansto incite their citizensand to
score more votes with their hateful speeches.In 2021, when the MDP government
was in power and India Out slogans were raised,then one of the MDP ministers
Ali Azim had said thatthis anti-India movement washappening because some peopleenjoy
making hateful speeches.Today, this is a great example of howhateful politics
can be harmful to a country.You will find such politicians not only in Maldivesbut
in every country in the world.They either spread hatred against a community,against
a religionor against another country.What's unfortunate is that,many people get
misled by such hateful speeches and the fear they create.If we look at the
foreign policy of the new Maldivian government,it is once again leaning towards
China.Maybe it's just a coincidence thatthis entire controversy started just a
day beforethe Maldivian President's visit to China.His trip to China was from
8th to 12th January.The Chinese state-sponsored mediapraised this situation
stating that"it demonstrates that Muizzu is treating India with a normal
mindsetand steering the relationship between Maldives and Indiato a normal
state-state relationship."It is also historic thatMuizzu chose China for
his first foreign trip.All the Maldivian presidents before him,came to India on
their first foreign trip.Just two days ago, on 10th January,after this
controversy began,President Muizzu extended an invitation to Chinese touriststo
visit Maldives.Since Indians started boycotting the country,he is openly
inviting Chinese tourists to his country.So, the entire issue here is about
Maldives' internal politics.The parties in favour of Chinaversus the parties in
favour of India.This also reveals thatif the governing party changes once again
in Maldives in 4-5 years,and the pro-India party comes to power,then India's
stance towards Maldives can change again.The boycott Maldives slogans that are
trending now,can turn into Go to Maldives slogans,after a few years.But
regardless of what happens in Maldives' politics,we can always promote Indian
tourism.One thing that we need to be cautious about is thatwhile promoting
local tourism,the local biodiversity and the local population should also be
cared for.Tourism should not be at the cost of environment and the livelihoods
of the locals.If you liked this video, you will like this video on geopolitics
too,in which I have talked about how countries all over the worldpromote the
weapons industry.And why the United Nations fails in such cases.You can click
here to watch it.Thank you very much!
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